Wednesday 14 November 2012

Recommendation 1

No much to write for this post but my first meal I would recommend to people is Harvey Nichols risotto kit, for there risotto with white truffle seasoning tastes first class and is rather easy to cook as the instructions are included on the back on the box. Such a risotto goes nice with shavings of black truffles and a few herb leaves for decoration.

Monday 5 November 2012

Black Truffle Omelette

This recipe can be used of you are looking for a simple meal to cook either for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Or even just as a quick meal if your hungry during the day. This recipe uses different ingredients to what you would usually make an omelette from. Sme of these are very select and can only be found in high-end food stores or online. This recipe is only serves one person, if you wish to multiply the servings just double the ingredients.


2 Chicken Eggs
1/2 mug of Goats Milk
1/2 grated Black Truffle
1 teaspoon of Acacia Honey with Black Truffles
1 leaf of grounded mint
1 leaf of grounded parsley 
1 teaspoon of butter.


Split two eggs into a bowl and beat. Add the Goats milk, the teaspoon of Acacia Honey and beat until it all has mixed. 

Then add the ground Herbs and the grated black truffles and beat until all the mixture has mixed.

Set the flame on a low light. Add the tablespoon of butter to a frying pan and wait until it has liquified then add the mixture and cook until it looks ready. After which you can then serve up. 

If you then wish to add herbs on top of the dish or more grated truffles you may do.